Voluntary Work

IO Psych Coders

I launched a community for I/O Psychology students, professionals, and academics that use or are interested in learning R. The community provides a space to share learning resources, have IO and People Analytics related discussions, share career advice, network and meet new people with shared interests, live-coding/tutorial sessions, and more.

IO Coffeehouse

I-O Coffeehouse is a large community of practitioners, researchers, professors, and students working toward creating more diverse and anti-racist workplace environments.

I contribute to this community’s growth through my work as the co-leader of the I-O Coffeehouse Video Crew. My responsibilities include:

Volunteering for IO Coffeehouse has given me the opportunity to make friends with IO students with interests similar to my own, and meet professionals working in the DEI space. I am grateful for this experience which continues to be instrumental to my personal and professional development.

Urology Unbound, Inc.

Urology Unbound is a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the recruitment, retention, and promotion of Black urologists, with the overarching goal of increasing Black representation in the field of urology.

Some of my duties and responsibilities include: